Wednesday, September 5, 2012

So. Shortly after this "I'm going to start a photo blog" thing, someone dropped and broke my very expensive and much loved flash/speedlight. I threw quite the raging tantrum. And yeah, the blog just dropped off the list. However. Maybe I'll start it up again. I'm thinking about it anyways.

In the meantime. I have a bunch of other stuff I may want to share with all my non-readers out there. These topics may include the following:

  • Canning
  • Weight Loss
  • Karaoke
  • My non-obsession with wine
  • The fact that I am not a nerd even though I for some reason have started reading fantasy novels
  • The cutest kindergartner ever
  • My general problem with starting projects (like blogs) and not finishing them---but boy do I have fantastic ideas
  • Halloween costumes perfect for redheads
  • And a bunch of other stuff that pops into my head while driving, walking through vineyards, etc.
We'll see.

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